Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 1
The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 1)(January 1994).iso
US English
PageMaker 5.0
PageMaker 5.0 PPC
PM5.0P TV RSRC.rsrc
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432 lines
d%%BeginResource: procset ALPS_PS 1.0 1
%%Copyright: (C) Copyright 1992 Aldus Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
%%Version: 1.0 1
/setpacking where{pop currentpacking true setpacking}if userdict/ALPS 385 dict
dup begin userdict/ALPS known{/$MetalHead ALPS def}{/$MetalHead currentdict
def}ifelse/ALPS currentdict def put/bdef{bind def}bind def/xdef{exch def}bdef
/ldef{load def}bdef/ndef{1 index where{pop pop pop}{dup xcheck{bind}if def}
ifelse}bdef/T true def/F false def/q`[currenttransfer]cvx def/PSScreen[
currentscreen]cvx def/PSsetgray systemdict/setgray get def/_PSdef matrix def
/_WCmtx matrix def/_LPmtx matrix def/bse^{0 0 transform round exch round exch
itransform translate}bdef/j`{_PSdef currentmatrix pop}bdef/ps${gsave scale
_WCmtx currentmatrix pop grestore scale}bdef/k`{_LPmtx currentmatrix pop}bdef
/l`{_LPmtx setmatrix}bdef/m`{{90 rotate pop 0 exch neg translate}{-90 rotate
neg 0 translate pop}ifelse}bdef/p`{dup length 2 add array cvx dup 3 -1 roll 2
exch putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll put dup 1/exec load put}bdef/setcmykcolor{1
sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat systemdict
/setrgbcolor get exec pop}ndef/setcustomcolor{exch aload pop pop 4{4 index mul
4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor pop}ndef/setprocesscolor{exch aload pop pop 4{4
index mul 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor pop}ndef/findcmykcustomcolor{5
/packedarray where{pop packedarray}{array astore readonly}ifelse}ndef
/findcmykprocesscolor{5/packedarray where{pop packedarray}{array astore
readonly}ifelse}ndef/newcmykcustomcolor{6/packedarray where{pop packedarray}{
array astore readonly}ifelse}ndef/setoverprint{pop}ndef/currentoverprint{false
}ndef/setseparationgray{PSsetgray}ndef/separationimage{image}ndef/proc1 null
def/proc2 null def/newproc null def/ic 0 def/im 0 def/iy 0 def/ik 0 def/imtnt
0 def/imsptnt 0 def/magentabuf null def/yellowbuf null def/blackbuf null def
/level2/languagelevel where{pop languagelevel 1 ne}{false}ifelse def
/colorexists level2{statusdict/processcolors known{statusdict/processcolors
get exec}{1}ifelse 4 eq def}{systemdict/setcmykcolor known def}ifelse/colimbuf
{0 1 2 index length 1 sub{dup 2 index exch get 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll
put}for}bdef/imagecmyk{ALPS begin aload pop/ik xdef/iy xdef/im xdef/ic xdef
end}bdef/addprocs{ALPS begin/packedarray where{pop dup type/packedarraytype eq
2 index type/packedarraytype eq or}{false}ifelse{/proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1
exch cvlit def proc1 aload pop proc2 aload pop proc1 length proc2 length add
packedarray cvx}{/proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def/newproc proc1
length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1
length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx}ifelse end}bdef/currentcolortransfer{
currenttransfer dup dup dup}ndef/setcolortransfer{systemdict begin settransfer
end pop pop pop}ndef/customcolorimage{ALPS begin colorexists{aload pop pop 4
array astore imagecmyk currentcolortransfer{ik mul ik sub 1 add}addprocs 4 1
roll{iy mul iy sub 1 add}addprocs 4 1 roll{im mul im sub 1 add}addprocs 4 1
roll{ic mul ic sub 1 add}addprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer/magentabuf 0
string def/yellowbuf 0 string def/blackbuf 0 string def{colimbuf dup length
magentabuf length ne{dup length dup dup/magentabuf exch string def/yellowbuf
exch string def/blackbuf exch string def}if dup magentabuf copy yellowbuf copy
blackbuf copy pop}addprocs{magentabuf}{yellowbuf}{blackbuf}true 4 colorimage}{
aload pop pop 4 array astore imagecmyk getimtnt currenttransfer{imtnt mul 1
imtnt sub add}addprocs settransfer image}ifelse end}ndef/getimtnt{ic .3 mul im
.59 mul iy .11 mul ik add add add dup 1 gt{pop 1}if/imtnt xdef}bdef/j2`{
setcustomcolor}bdef/k2`{setprocesscolor}bdef/l2`{F setoverprint 1 exch sub
setseparationgray pop}bdef/m2`{pop pop}bdef/n2`{null eq{pop pop/m2` load def
false def}{null eq{pop/l2` load def}{{/k2` load def}{/j2` load def}ifelse}
ifelse true def}ifelse}bdef/_ft null def/_fc null def/_f? false def/_fo false
def/o2` null def/N` null def/_fpat null def/_fpatn null def/_st null def/_sc
null def/_s? false def/_so false def/q2` null def/O` null def/Q` null def/P`
null def/u2` null def/_LBOmtx matrix def/_LBOgsave matrix def/_x1 null def/_y1
null def/_x2 null def/_y2 null def/_rdp null def/_LLx null def/_LLy null def
/_URx null def/_URy null def/_th null def/_hthk null def/_rd null def/_wp null
def/_hp null def/_diam null def/_w null def/_h null def/_dshlen null def/_rem
null def/_spclen null def/_undo? false def/_dch(X)def/xfont null def/_ch null
def/_prcs? false def/b`{/_prcs? xdef/_ft xdef dup null ne{_prcs?{
findcmykprocesscolor}{findcmykcustomcolor}ifelse}if/_fc xdef/_f?/o2` _prcs?
_fc _ft n2` atlanta^}bdef/atlanta^{_f?{/N`{_fo setoverprint _fc _ft o2` _fpat
null eq{fill}{_fpat j1`}ifelse}def}{/N`{newpath}def}ifelse}bdef/c`{/_fpatn
xdef _fpatn null eq{/_fpat null def}{/_fpat _fpatn findfont def}ifelse}bdef/e`
{/_fo xdef}bdef/a`{/_prcs? xdef/_st xdef dup null ne{_prcs?{
findcmykprocesscolor}{findcmykcustomcolor}ifelse}if/_sc xdef/_s?/q2` _prcs?
_sc _st n2` seattle^}bdef/seattle^{_s?{/O`{_so setoverprint _sc _st q2` stroke
}def/Q`{_so setoverprint _sc _st q2` fill}def/P`/Q` load def/u2`{_so
setoverprint _sc _st q2` show}def}{/O`{newpath}def/Q`{newpath}def/P`{newpath}
def/u2`{pop}def}ifelse}bdef/f`{/_so xdef}bdef/arct{arcto pop pop pop pop}ndef
/u`{_LBOgsave currentmatrix pop translate scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 360 0 arcn
closepath _LBOgsave setmatrix}bdef/v`{moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto
neg 0 rlineto closepath}bdef/w`{/_y2 xdef/_x2 xdef/_y1 xdef/_x1 xdef/_rdp xdef
_x1 _y1 _rdp add moveto _x1 _y2 _x2 _y2 _rdp arct _x2 _y2 _x2 _y1 _rdp arct
_x2 _y1 _x1 _y1 _rdp arct _x1 _y1 _x1 _y2 _rdp arct closepath}bdef/bell^{{
_LBOmtx astore concat}if}bdef/south^{/_URy xdef/_URx xdef/_LLy xdef/_LLx xdef}
bdef/lpd^{gsave translate rotate}bdef/jp^{grestore}bdef/bh^{gsave bell^ south^
/_th xdef _URx _LLx sub abs _th sub _URy _LLy sub abs _th sub _LLx _th 2 div
add _LLy _th 2 div add v` gsave N` grestore _th setlinewidth O` grestore}bdef
/y`{gsave bell^ 2{2 index sub 4 1 roll}repeat v`{N`}{P`}ifelse grestore}bdef
/z`{gsave bell^ south^/_th xdef _th 2 div/_x1 _LLx 2 index add def/_y1 _LLy 2
index add def/_x2 _URx 2 index sub def/_y2 _URy 2 index sub def pop 6 index 4
copy 0 _LLx _y1 gsave samson^ _th setlinewidth O` grestore 0 _LLx _y2 gsave
samson^ _th setlinewidth O` grestore 4 index 4 copy 90 _x1 _LLy gsave samson^
_th setlinewidth O` grestore 90 _x2 _LLy gsave samson^ _th setlinewidth O`
grestore _th lt exch _th lt and{F _LLx _LLy _LLx _th add _LLy _th add F y` F
_LLx _URy _th sub _LLx _th add _URy F y` F _URx _th sub _LLy _URx _LLy _th add
F y` F _URx _th sub _URy _th sub _URx _URy F y`}if grestore}bdef/A`{gsave
bell^ south^/_th xdef/_ch xdef xfont _th scalefont setfont _th 2 div/_x1 _LLx
2 index add def/_y1 _LLy 2 index add def/_x2 _URx 2 index sub def/_y2 _URy 2
index sub def pop{4 copy _ch 0 _LLx _y1 F roswell^ _ch 0 _LLx _y2 F roswell^}{
4 copy 0 _LLx _y1 gsave samson^ _th setlinewidth O` grestore 0 _LLx _y2 gsave
samson^ _th setlinewidth O` grestore}ifelse{4 copy _ch 90 _x1 _LLy F roswell^
_ch 90 _x2 _LLy F roswell^}{4 copy 90 _x1 _LLy gsave samson^ _th setlinewidth
O` grestore 90 _x2 _LLy gsave samson^ _th setlinewidth O` grestore}ifelse
grestore}bdef/nba^{gsave bell^ south^/_rd xdef/_th xdef/_wp _URx _LLx sub abs
_th sub def/_hp _URy _LLy sub abs _th sub def/_diam _rd 2 mul _th sub def/_w
_wp _diam ge{_wp}{_diam}ifelse def/_h _hp _diam ge{_hp}{_diam}ifelse def
_LBOgsave currentmatrix pop _LLx _th 2 div add _LLy _th 2 div add translate
_diam _wp gt{_wp _diam div}{1}ifelse _diam _hp gt{_hp _diam div}{1}ifelse
scale _rd _th 2 div sub 0 0 _w _h w` _LBOgsave setmatrix gsave N` grestore _th
setlinewidth O` grestore}bdef/C`{gsave bell^ south^/_rd xdef/_wp _URx _LLx sub
abs def/_hp _URy _LLy sub abs def/_diam _rd 2 mul def/_w _wp _diam ge{_wp}{
_diam}ifelse def/_h _hp _diam ge{_hp}{_diam}ifelse def _LBOgsave currentmatrix
pop _LLx _LLy translate _diam _wp gt{_wp _diam div}{1}ifelse _diam _hp gt{_hp
_diam div}{1}ifelse scale _rd 0 0 _w _h w` _LBOgsave setmatrix{N`}{P`}ifelse
grestore}bdef/D`{gsave bell^ south^/_rd xdef/_th xdef/_hthk _th 2 div def/_wp
_URx _LLx sub abs _th sub def/_hp _URy _LLy sub abs _th sub def _hthk _rd ge{
_wp _hp _LLx _hthk add _LLy _hthk add v` N`}{gsave _LLx _hthk add _LLy _hthk
add translate _rd _hthk sub 0 0 _wp _hp w` N` grestore}ifelse/_w _URx _LLx sub
abs def/_h _URy _LLy sub abs def _w 2 _th mul sub _h 2 _th mul sub _LLx _th
add _LLy _th add v` _rd _LLx _LLy _URx _URy w` Q` grestore}bdef/E`{gsave bell^
south^/_rd xdef/_th xdef/_wp _URx _LLx sub abs _th sub def/_hp _URy _LLy sub
abs _th sub def/_diam _rd 2 mul _th sub def/_w _wp _diam ge{_wp}{_diam}ifelse
def/_h _hp _diam ge{_hp}{_diam}ifelse def _LBOmtx currentmatrix pop _LLx _th 2
div add _LLy _th 2 div add translate _diam _wp gt{_wp _diam div}{1}ifelse
_diam _hp gt{_hp _diam div}{1}ifelse scale _LBOgsave currentmatrix pop _th _rd
gt dup{_rd 2 div}{_rd _th 2 div sub}ifelse 0 0 _w _h auburn^ _LBOmtx setmatrix
{_rd}{_th}ifelse setlinewidth O` _LBOgsave setmatrix{/_x1 _rd 4 index _th 2
div sub add def 4 copy 0 _x1 0 gsave samson^ _LBOmtx setmatrix _th
setlinewidth O` grestore 0 _x1 _h gsave samson^ _LBOmtx setmatrix _th
setlinewidth O` grestore}if{/_y1 _rd 4 index _th 2 div sub add def 4 copy 90 0
_y1 gsave samson^ _LBOmtx setmatrix _th setlinewidth O` grestore 90 _w _y1
gsave samson^ _LBOmtx setmatrix _th setlinewidth O` grestore}if grestore}bdef
/F`{gsave bell^ south^/_rd xdef/_th xdef/_ch xdef xfont _th scalefont setfont
/_wp _URx _LLx sub abs _th sub def/_hp _URy _LLy sub abs _th sub def/_diam _rd
2 mul _th sub def/_w _wp _diam ge{_wp}{_diam}ifelse def/_h _hp _diam ge{_hp}{
_diam}ifelse def _LBOmtx currentmatrix pop _LLx _th 2 div add _LLy _th 2 div
add translate _diam _wp gt{_wp _diam div}{1}ifelse _diam _hp gt{_hp _diam div}
{1}ifelse scale _LBOgsave currentmatrix pop _th _rd gt dup{_rd 2 div}{_rd _th
2 div sub}ifelse 0 0 _w _h auburn^ _LBOmtx setmatrix{_rd}{_th}ifelse
setlinewidth O` _LBOgsave setmatrix{/_x1 _rd 4 index _th 2 div sub add def 4
copy _ch 0 _x1 0 T roswell^ _ch 0 _x1 _h T roswell^}if{/_y1 _rd 4 index _th 2
div sub add def 4 copy _ch 90 0 _y1 T roswell^ _ch 90 _w _y1 T roswell^}if
grestore}bdef/auburn^{/_y2 xdef/_x2 xdef/_y1 xdef/_x1 xdef/_rdp xdef _x1 _y1
_rdp add moveto _x1 _y1 _x2 _y1 _rdp arct _x2 _rdp sub _y1 moveto _x2 _y1 _x2
_y2 _rdp arct _x2 _y2 _rdp sub moveto _x2 _y2 _x1 _y2 _rdp arct _x1 _rdp add
_y2 moveto _x1 _y2 _x1 _y1 _rdp arct}bdef/jmk${gsave bell^ south^/_th xdef/_w
_URx _LLx sub abs 2 div def/_h _URy _LLy sub abs 2 div def _w _th 2 div sub _h
_th 2 div sub _LLx _w add _LLy _h add u` gsave N` grestore _th setlinewidth O`
grestore}bdef/H`{gsave bell^ south^ _URx _LLx sub abs 2 div _URy _LLy sub abs
2 div _LLx 2 index add _LLy 2 index add u`{N`}{P`}ifelse grestore}bdef/I`{
gsave bell^ south^/_th xdef/_w _URx _LLx sub abs 2 div def/_h _URy _LLy sub
abs 2 div def _w _th 2 div sub _h _th 2 div sub _LLx _w add _LLy _h add
_LBOmtx currentmatrix pop translate scale _LBOgsave currentmatrix pop 1 0
moveto 0 exch 360{0 0 1 4 -1 roll dup 5 index add arc _LBOmtx setmatrix _th
setlinewidth O` _LBOgsave setmatrix}for pop grestore}bdef/J`{gsave bell^
south^/_th xdef _dch 0 3 -1 roll put xfont _th scalefont setfont/_w _URx _LLx
sub abs 2 div def/_h _URy _LLy sub abs 2 div def _w _th 2 div sub _h _th 2 div
sub _LLx _w add _LLy _h add _LBOmtx currentmatrix pop translate scale
_LBOgsave currentmatrix pop 1 0 moveto 0 exch 360{0 0 1 4 -1 roll dup arc
_LBOmtx setmatrix _dch u2` newpath _LBOgsave setmatrix}for grestore}bdef/jbd^{
gsave bell^ moveto lineto setlinewidth O` grestore}bdef/ald^{gsave bell^
samson^ setlinewidth O` grestore}bdef/ws^{gsave bell^ xfont exch scalefont
setfont F roswell^ grestore}bdef/samson^{translate rotate 0 0 moveto/_dshlen
xdef/_rem xdef/_spclen xdef 1 1 3 -1 roll{pop _dshlen 0 rlineto _spclen _rem 0
gt{1 add/_rem _rem 1 sub def}if 0 rmoveto}for _dshlen 0 rlineto}bdef/roswell^{
gsave/_undo? xdef translate rotate _dch 0 3 -1 roll put 0 moveto/_rem xdef
/_spclen xdef 1 1 3 -1 roll{pop gsave _undo?{_LBOmtx setmatrix}if _dch u2`
grestore _spclen _rem 0 gt{1 add/_rem _rem 1 sub def}if 0 rmoveto}for _undo?{
_LBOmtx setmatrix}if _dch u2` grestore}bdef 8 dict begin/FontType 3 def
/FontMatrix[.001 0 0 .001 0 0]def/FontBBox[-500 -500 500 500]def/Encoding 256
array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.nodef put}for Encoding 97/circle put
/CharProcs 2 dict def CharProcs begin/.nodef{}def/circle{0 0 500 0 360 arc
closepath fill}bind def end/BuildGlyph{1000 0 -500 -500 500 500 setcachedevice
exch/CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.nodef}if get exec}bind def
/BuildChar{1 index/Encoding get exch get 1 index/BuildGlyph get exec}bind def
currentdict end/_xfont exch definefont/xfont exch def/_thumbStr 10 string def
/_irad null def/_orad null def/_dx null def/_dy null def/_ld2 null def/_sz
null def/_th null def/_lblsave null def/LFont null def/T`{gsave 0.05 0.05
scale translate 2 copy 2 copy 8 -2 roll dup 3 -1 roll{neg}if exch v` .5
setseparationgray fill 0 0 v` gsave 1 setseparationgray fill grestore 0
setseparationgray 20 setlinewidth stroke/Helvetica findfont 180 scalefont
setfont 100 add 100 exch moveto pop _thumbStr cvs show grestore}bdef/q3`{_th
_orad sub dup _dx _dy u` stroke _dx _ld2 sub _dy moveto _dx _ld2 add _dy
lineto stroke _dx _dy _ld2 sub moveto _dx _dy _ld2 add lineto stroke}bdef/V`{
/_irad xdef/_orad xdef/_dy xdef/_dx xdef/_th xdef/_ld2 xdef/_hthk 2.5 wcu^
round dup 2 le{pop 2}if def gsave 0 setlinecap 1 setseparationgray _th _hthk 2
mul add setlinewidth q3` _hthk _irad add dup _dx _dy u` fill 0
setseparationgray _th setlinewidth q3` _irad dup _dx _dy u` fill 1
setseparationgray _dx _irad sub _dy moveto _dx _irad add _dy lineto stroke _dx
_dy _irad sub moveto _dx _dy _irad add lineto stroke grestore}bdef/f1a`{1 exch
sub 0 0 0 setcmykcolor}bdef/f1b`{1 exch sub 0 exch 0 0 setcmykcolor}bdef/f1c`{
1 exch sub 0 0 3 -1 roll 0 setcmykcolor}bdef/f1d`{1 exch sub 0 0 0 4 -1 roll
setcmykcolor}bdef/f1e`{setseparationgray}bdef/W`{gsave F setoverprint/_dy xdef
/_dx xdef/_sz xdef/_th xdef _dx _dy translate{-90 rotate}if/XPaint exch ldef
0.35 XPaint 11 _sz mul _sz 0 0 v` fill/_dx _th def/_sz _sz 2 _th mul sub def 0
1 10{10 div XPaint _sz dup _dx _th v` fill/_dx _dx _sz 2 _th mul add add def}
for grestore}bdef/calBarArray[0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 .5 0 0 .5 0 0 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .5]def/X`{gsave/_dy xdef/_dx xdef/_sz
xdef/_th xdef _dx _dy translate{-90 rotate}if 0.35 setseparationgray 11 _sz
mul _sz 0 0 v` fill/_dx _th def/_sz _sz 2 _th mul sub def currentoverprint
false setoverprint 0 1 10{calBarArray exch 4 mul 4 getinterval aload pop
setcmykcolor _sz dup _dx _th v` fill/_dx _dx _sz 2 _th mul add add def}for
setoverprint grestore}bdef/pw${gsave/_hthk 2.5 wcu^ round dup 2 le{pop 2}if
def 5 copy 1 setseparationgray 0 setlinecap moveto rlineto _hthk 2 mul add
setlinewidth stroke 0 setseparationgray moveto rlineto setlinewidth stroke
grestore}bdef/Y`{/_lblsave save def[exch 0 0 2 index neg 0 0]LFont exch
makefont setfont}bdef/a1`{0 setseparationgray moveto show}bdef/Z`{_lblsave
restore}bdef/f1`{/LFont/|_______Helvetica T/Helvetica aldus^ def}bdef/_xbft
null def/_xbfc null def/_xbx? F def/XPaint null def/XFill null def/XStroke
null def/b1`{gsave bell^ south^/_th xdef currentoverprint T setoverprint}bdef
/d1`{setoverprint grestore}bdef/c1`{beams^ bapco^}bdef/bapco^{_URx _LLx sub
abs _th sub _URy _LLy sub abs _th sub _LLx _th 2 div add _LLy _th 2 div add 4
copy v` gsave XFill grestore _th setlinewidth XStroke 4 copy moveto rlineto
exch 3 index add exch moveto exch neg exch rlineto XStroke}bdef/beams^{/_prcs?
xdef/_xbft xdef dup null ne{_prcs?{findcmykprocesscolor}{findcmykcustomcolor}
ifelse}if/_xbfc xdef/_xbx?/XPaint _prcs? _xbfc _xbft n2` psquare^}bdef
/psquare^{_xbx?{/XFill{_xbfc 0 XPaint fill}def/XStroke{_xbfc 1 XPaint stroke}
def}{/XFill{newpath}def/XStroke{newpath}def}ifelse}bdef/e1`{/__$jk where{pop
/junk save def bell^ south^/_th xdef _URx _LLx sub abs _th sub _URy _LLy sub
abs _th sub _LLx _th 2 div add _LLy _th 2 div add v` gsave .9
setseparationgray fill grestore 0 setseparationgray _th setlinewidth stroke
_LLx _LLy _URy add 2 div moveto/Helvetica findfont[180 180 J2` neg 0 0 3 -1
roll 0 0]makefont setfont show junk restore}{{6{pop}repeat}if 6{pop}repeat}
ifelse}bdef/s`{gsave clippath 1 setseparationgray fill grestore}bdef/r`{
PSScreen exch pop exch pop dup type/dicttype eq{dup/HalftoneType get 1 eq{
begin/Angle exch def/Frequency exch def 60 0 currentdict end}if}if}bdef/t`{{1
exch sub}}bdef/PPDSetup{countdictstack mark}bdef/PPDCleanup{stopped
cleartomark countdictstack exch sub dup 0 gt{{end}repeat}{pop}ifelse}bdef
/_PATgsave matrix def/_PATmtx matrix def/gl^{7 dict begin/FontDict 9 dict def
FontDict begin/cache exch def/key exch def/proc exch cvx def/mtx exch matrix
invertmatrix def/height exch def/width exch def/ctm matrix currentmatrix def
/ptm matrix identmatrix def/str(12345678901234567890123456789012)def end
/FontBBox[0 0 FontDict/width get FontDict/height get]def/FontMatrix FontDict
/mtx get def/Encoding StandardEncoding def/FontType 3 def/BuildChar{pop begin
FontDict begin width 0 cache{0 0 width height setcachedevice}{setcharwidth}
ifelse 0 0 moveto width 0 lineto width height lineto 0 height lineto closepath
clip newpath gsave proc grestore end end}def FontDict/key get currentdict
definefont end}bdef/hj^{dup type/dicttype eq{begin FontDict/ctm get setmatrix}
{exch begin FontDict/ctm get setmatrix concat}ifelse currentdict setfont
FontDict begin FontMatrix concat width 0 dtransform round width div exch round
width div exch 0 height dtransform round height div exch round height div exch
0 0 transform round exch round exch ptm astore setmatrix pathbbox height div
ceiling height mul 4 1 roll width div ceiling width mul 4 1 roll height div
floor height mul 4 1 roll width div floor width mul 4 1 roll 2 index sub
height div ceiling cvi exch 3 index sub width div ceiling cvi exch 4 2 roll
moveto FontMatrix ptm invertmatrix pop{gsave ptm concat dup str length idiv{
str show}repeat dup str length mod str exch 0 exch getinterval show grestore 0
height rmoveto}repeat pop end end}bdef/i1`{gsave clip hj^ grestore newpath}
bdef/j1`{gsave 0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor fill grestore i1`}bdef/k1`{_PATgsave
currentmatrix pop _PATmtx defaultmatrix setmatrix rotate 3.36 3.36[1 0 0 -1 0
0]{2 setlinecap 0 1.68 moveto 1.68 0 lineto 1.68 3.36 moveto 3.36 1.68 lineto
0.675 setlinewidth stroke}/l1` true gl^ pop 5.28 5.28[1 0 0 -1 0 0]{2
setlinecap 0 2.64 moveto 2.64 0 lineto 2.64 5.28 moveto 5.28 2.64 lineto 0.675
setlinewidth stroke}/m1` true gl^ pop 3.84 3.84[1 0 0 -1 0 0]{2 setlinecap 0
1.92 moveto 3.84 1.92 lineto 0.675 setlinewidth stroke}/n1` true gl^ pop 7.68
7.68[1 0 0 -1 0 0]{2 setlinecap 0 3.84 moveto 7.68 3.84 lineto 0.675
setlinewidth stroke}/o1` true gl^ pop 3.84 3.84[1 0 0 -1 0 0]{2 setlinecap
1.92 0 moveto 1.92 3.84 lineto 0.675 setlinewidth stroke}/p1` true gl^ pop
7.68 7.68[1 0 0 -1 0 0]{2 setlinecap 3.84 0 moveto 3.84 7.68 lineto 0.675
setlinewidth stroke}/q1` true gl^ pop 3.84 3.84[1 0 0 -1 0 0]{2 setlinecap
1.92 0 moveto 1.92 3.84 lineto 0 1.92 moveto 3.84 1.92 lineto 0.675
setlinewidth stroke}/r1` true gl^ pop 7.68 7.68[1 0 0 -1 0 0]{2 setlinecap
3.84 0 moveto 3.84 7.68 lineto 0 3.84 moveto 7.68 3.84 lineto 0.675
setlinewidth stroke}/s1` true gl^ pop _PATgsave setmatrix}bdef
/_OutlineSmearFrac 10 def/_OutlineWeight 0.012 def/_OutlineFillColor 0 0 0 1(\
)findcmykprocesscolor def/_ShadowReverseColor 0 0 0 1()findcmykprocesscolor
def/_BoldFactorX 0.015 def/_BoldFactorY 0.015 def/_ShadowFactorX 0.06 def
/_ShadowFactorY 0.06 def/_ObliqueFactor -0.21 def/_ShadowTintFactor 0.2 def
/_BFontUOThick 1 0/Helvetica findfont/FontMatrix get dtransform dup mul exch
dup mul add sqrt _OutlineWeight mul def/_TXmtx matrix def/_TXctmx matrix def
/_txgsave matrix def/_BaseMatrix[1 0 0 -1 0 0]def/_ItalicMatrix[1 0
_ObliqueFactor 1 0 0]def/tempDict null def userdict/FCDict userdict put
/isWinPS false def/_xSize 12 def/_ySize 12 def/_dots 1440 def/_fDict null def
/_uScale null def/_uPosition null def/_uThickness null def/_uOThickness null
def/_dUPosition -100 def/_dUThickness 50 def/_dFontScale -0.001 def/_runLen
null def/_txc null def/_txt null def/_txo F def/_tx? F def/_ctc null def/_ctt
null def/_cto F def/_cPaint null def/_outxc null def/_outxt null def/_outxo T
def/_shdc null def/_shdt null def/_shdo T def/K2` null def/k3` null def/m3`
null def/j3` null def/l3` null def/FTextPaint null def/STextPaint null def
/_gMTX matrix def/macvec 256 array def macvec dup dup 0/Times-Roman findfont
/Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval 39/quotesingle put 96/grave put
/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron macvec 128 128 getinterval astore pop
/winvec 256 array def winvec dup dup 0/Times-Roman findfont/Encoding get 0 128
getinterval putinterval 39/quotesingle put 96/grave put/grave/acute/circumflex
/dotlessi winvec 0 14 getinterval astore pop/bullet/bullet/bullet
/udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis winvec 127 129 getinterval astore pop/M1`{{
_TXmtx astore concat}if _TXctmx currentmatrix pop}bdef/N1`{_txgsave
currentmatrix pop}bdef/O1`{_txgsave setmatrix}bdef/P1`{O1`}bdef/Q1`{_TXctmx
setmatrix}bdef/v1`{userdict begin dict/FCDict exch def end}bdef/fontdef{FCDict
3 1 roll put}bdef/fontget{FCDict exch get}bdef/x1`{aldus^ _BaseMatrix makefont
fontdef}bdef/p3`{dup length 1 add dict/tempDict exch def{1 index/FID ne 2
index/UniqueID ne and{tempDict 3 1 roll put}{pop pop}ifelse}forall tempDict}
bdef/aldus^{findfont exch isWinPS{pop dup/Encoding get dup 161 get exch 162
get/cent eq exch/exclamdown eq and}if{p3` dup/Encoding isWinPS{winvec}{macvec}
ifelse put definefont}{exch pop}ifelse}bdef/I1`{findfont p3` dup/Encoding get
256 array copy dup dup 3 index/Encoding 3 2 roll put}bdef/J1`{put dup}bdef/K1`
{pop pop definefont _BaseMatrix makefont fontdef}bdef/y1`{gsi^ fontdef}bdef
/z1`{fontget _ItalicMatrix makefont fontdef}bdef/gsi^{fontget dup maxlength 2
add dict/tempDict exch def{1 index/FID ne 2 index/UniqueID ne and{tempDict 3 1
roll put}{pop pop}ifelse}forall tempDict begin/PaintType 2 def/StrokeWidth 1 0
FontMatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt _OutlineWeight exch div
def end tempDict definefont}bdef/auckland^{/_ySize xdef/_xSize xdef fontget[
_xSize 0 0 _ySize 0 0]makefont setfont}bdef/wcu^{_dots mul}bdef/n`{1440 div
/_dots xdef}bdef/J2`{wcu^ exch wcu^ exch}bdef/w1`{J2` auckland^}bdef/K2`{}bdef
/A1`{isWinPS{O2`}{pop pop pop}ifelse 5 3 roll K2`}bdef/L2`{/_x1 _xSize
_BoldFactorX mul def/_y1 _ySize _BoldFactorY mul def 5 copy _y1 add exch _x1
add exch K2` 5 copy _y1 add exch _x1 sub exch K2` 5 copy _y1 sub exch _x1 add
exch K2` 5 copy _y1 sub exch _x1 sub exch K2` K2`}bdef/B1`{O2` 5 3 roll L2`}
bdef/C1`{O2` 6 3 roll 6 copy U2` 3 1 roll _ySize _ShadowFactorY mul add exch
_xSize _ShadowFactorX mul add exch 3 -1 roll{L2`}{K2`}ifelse V2`{L2`}{K2`}
ifelse}bdef/D1`{O2` 5 3 roll gsave 6 index not{7 index _xSize _ySize auckland^
}if 5 copy _ySize _ShadowFactorY mul add exch _xSize _ShadowFactorX mul add
exch 11 -1 roll{L2`}{K2`}ifelse grestore 6 -1 roll{M2`}{6 -1 roll N2`}ifelse}
bdef/M2`{/_x1 _OutlineSmearFrac wcu^ def/_y1 _OutlineSmearFrac wcu^ def 5 copy
_y1 neg add exch _x1 neg add exch K2` 5 copy _y1 neg add exch _x1 add exch K2`
5 copy _y1 add exch _x1 neg add exch K2` 5 copy _y1 add exch _x1 add exch K2`
m3`}bdef/E1`{O2` 5 3 roll M2`}bdef/N2`{gsave _xSize _ySize auckland^ 5 copy
m3` grestore K2`}bdef/F1`{O2` 6 3 roll N2`}bdef version cvr 47.0 ge{/strwth{
stringwidth pop}bdef}{/strwth{gsave newpath 0 0 moveto 0 0 lineto closepath
clip stringwidth grestore pop}bdef}ifelse/O2`{dup 0 gt{dup 4 1 roll 4 index
mul exch 5 index mul add 5 index strwth add sub exch div add}{pop pop pop}
ifelse}bdef/G1`{fontget/_fDict xdef wcu^ _fDict/FontInfo known{_fDict
/FontMatrix get 3 get mul/_uScale xdef _fDict/FontInfo get dup
/UnderlinePosition known{dup/UnderlinePosition get _uScale mul/_uPosition xdef
}{/_uPosition _dUPosition _uScale mul def}ifelse dup/UnderlineThickness known{
dup/UnderlineThickness get _uScale mul/_uThickness xdef}{/_uThickness
_dUThickness _uScale mul def}ifelse pop}{_dFontScale mul/_uScale xdef
/_uPosition _dUPosition _uScale mul def/_uThickness _dUThickness _uScale mul
def}ifelse/_uOThickness _BFontUOThick _uScale mul def _fDict/PaintType known{
_fDict/PaintType get 2 eq{_fDict/StrokeWidth known{/_uOThickness _fDict
/StrokeWidth get _uScale mul def}{1 0 _fDict/FontMatrix get dtransform dup mul
exch dup mul add sqrt _OutlineWeight mul _uScale mul/_uOThickness xdef}ifelse}
if}if}bdef/H1`{gsave/_runLen xdef/_y1 xdef/_x1 xdef/_y1 _y1 _uPosition add def
{dup not{U2`}if/_y2 _ySize _ShadowFactorY mul _y1 add def/_x2 _xSize
_ShadowFactorX mul _x1 add def _uThickness _x2 _y2 _x2 _runLen add _y2 P2` dup
not{V2`}if}if{_uOThickness _x1 _y1 _uThickness 2 div add _x1 _runLen add _y1
_uThickness 2 div sub Q2`}{_uThickness _x1 _y1 _x1 _runLen add _y1 P2`}ifelse
grestore}bdef/mm${gsave _ySize 3 div sub/_y1 xdef _y1 _y1 3 1 roll _ySize 16
div 5 1 roll P2` grestore}bdef/P2`{gsave moveto lineto setlinewidth k3`
grestore}bdef/Q2`{gsave south^/_th xdef _URx _LLx sub abs _th sub _URy _LLy
sub abs _th sub _LLx _th 2 div add _LLy _th 2 div add v` gsave j3` grestore
_th setlinewidth k3` grestore}bdef/d`{/_prcs? xdef/_txt xdef dup null ne{
_prcs?{findcmykprocesscolor}{findcmykcustomcolor}ifelse}if/_txc xdef
SetOutColor SetShadColor/_tx?/l3` _prcs? _txc _txt n2` S2`}bdef/SetOutColor{
_txt null eq{/_outxc null def/_outxt null def}{_txc null eq{_txt 0 eq{/_outxt
1 def _prcs?{/_outxc _OutlineFillColor def}{/_outxc null def}ifelse}{/_outxt 0
def/_outxc null def}ifelse}{_txc aload pop pop add add add 0 eq{/_outxt 1 def
/_outxc _OutlineFillColor def}{/_outxt 0 def/_outxc null def}ifelse}ifelse}
ifelse/_cjc?/FTextPaint _prcs? _outxc _outxt n2`}bdef/SetShadColor{_txt null
eq{/_shdc null def/_shdt null def}{/_shdo _txo def _txc null eq{_txt 0 eq{
/_shdt 1 def}{/_shdt T2` def}ifelse _prcs?{/_shdc _ShadowReverseColor def
/_shdo T def}{/_shdc null def}ifelse}{_txc aload pop pop add add add 0 eq{
/_shdt 1 def/_shdc _ShadowReverseColor def/_shdo T def}{/_shdt T2` def/_shdc
_txc def}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse/_cjc?/STextPaint _prcs? _shdc _shdt n2`}bdef/S2`
{_tx?{/K2`{_txo setoverprint _txc _txt l3` moveto 0 4 2 roll 0 32 6 3 roll
awidthshow}def/k3`{_txo setoverprint _txc _txt l3` stroke}def/m3`{_outxo
setoverprint _outxc _outxt FTextPaint moveto 0 4 2 roll 0 32 6 3 roll
awidthshow}def/j3`{_outxo setoverprint _outxc _outxt FTextPaint fill}def}{/K2`
bdef/T2`{_txt _ShadowTintFactor mul}bdef/U2`{/_ctc _txc def/_ctt _txt def/_cto
_txo def/_cPaint/l3` ldef/_txc _shdc def/_txt _shdt def/_txo _shdo def/l3`
/STextPaint ldef}bdef/V2`{/_txc _ctc def/_txt _ctt def/_txo _cto def/l3`
/_cPaint ldef}bdef/g`{/_txo xdef}bdef/SaveHook{}ndef/RestoreHook{}ndef/W2`{
SaveHook _dots _LPmtx aload _PSdef aload _WCmtx aload _txgsave aload _TXctmx
aload _gMTX currentmatrix aload}bdef/X2`{astore setmatrix astore pop astore
pop astore pop astore pop astore pop/_dots xdef RestoreHook}bdef/bmt^{save def
}bdef/tsi^{mark W2` counttomark 2 add -2 roll pop restore X2` o`}bdef/seni^{
restore}bdef/o`{/_fo F def/_so F def/_txo F def}bdef/_GRPHmtx matrix def
/_imagesave null def/_imc null def/_imt null def/ImPaint null def/cjc^{
/_imagesave save def _WCmtx setmatrix}bdef/tvs^{_PSdef setmatrix}bdef/dsd^{
_imagesave restore}bdef/espresso 4 dict def espresso begin/setgray{setgray}def
sethsbcolor}def end/o3`{espresso begin userdict begin}bdef/vm${/OSdict xdef
end end end}bdef/b2a`{/_imagesave save def{_GRPHmtx astore concat}if translate
dup scale newpath 0 0 v` clip newpath userdict begin/showpage{}def 0 setgray 0
setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit[]0 setdash newpath F
setoverprint}bdef/a2`{OSdict begin}bdef/b2`{end V1`}bdef/kHu${/_imagesave save
def{_GRPHmtx astore concat}if translate scale translate newpath v` clip
newpath userdict begin/showpage{}def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0
setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit[]0 setdash newpath F setoverprint}bdef/V1`{end
_imagesave restore}bdef/_ortnt null def/_orclr null def/_gop false def/_cjc?
false def/*setcmyk null def/*setrgb null def/*sethsb null def/*setgry null def
/*setsepgray null def/*setcustomclr null def/*setprocessclr null def/*setop
null def/*zimage null def/$gate_1 T def/$clrOverride F def/Y2`{ALPS begin
/*setcmyk/setcmykcolor ldef/*setrgb/setrgbcolor ldef/*sethsb/sethsbcolor ldef
/*setgry/setgray ldef/*setcustomclr/setcustomcolor ldef/*setprocessclr
/setprocesscolor ldef/*setop/setoverprint ldef/*setsepgray/setseparationgray
ldef/*zimage/image ldef end}bdef/X1`{ALPS begin/setcmykcolor/*setcmyk ldef
/setrgbcolor/*setrgb ldef/sethsbcolor/*sethsb ldef/setgray/*setgry ldef
/setcustomcolor/*setcustomclr ldef/setprocesscolor/*setprocessclr ldef
/setoverprint/*setop ldef/setseparationgray/*setsepgray ldef/image/*zimage
ldef end}bdef/$curgry systemdict/currentgray get def/$setrgb systemdict
/setrgbcolor get def/$sethsb systemdict/sethsbcolor get def/$setcmyk
systemdict/setcmykcolor known{systemdict/setcmykcolor get}{{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3
index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat systemdict/setrgbcolor get
exec pop}}ifelse def/a3`{ALPS begin/setcmykcolor{gsave $setcmyk 1 $curgry sub
grestore c3`}def/setrgbcolor{gsave $setrgb 1 $curgry sub grestore c3`}def
/sethsbcolor{gsave $sethsb 1 $curgry sub grestore c3`}def/setgray{1 exch sub
c3`}def/setseparationgray{1 exch sub c3`}def _spotOR?{/setcustomcolor/i3` ldef
}{/setcustomcolor/b3` ldef}ifelse/setprocesscolor{gsave exch aload pop pop 4{4
index mul 4 1 roll}repeat $setcmyk pop 1 $curgry sub grestore c3`}def
/setoverprint{d3`}def/image{ORimage}def end}bdef/b3`{gsave exch aload pop pop
4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat $setcmyk pop 1 $curgry sub grestore c3`}bdef/c3`
{$gate_1 $clrOverride and{ALPS begin/$gate_1 F def _ortnt null ne{_ortnt mul}{
null}ifelse _orclr exch X1` SetORColorProc a3`/$gate_1 T def end}{ALPS begin
$MetalHead begin c3` end end}ifelse}bdef/d3`{$gate_1 $clrOverride and{ALPS
begin/$gate_1 F def pop _gop X1` setoverprint a3`/$gate_1 T def end}{ALPS
begin $MetalHead begin setoverprint end end}ifelse}bdef